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About OBI: What we are doing: Get involved:
  Our Plan of Action

"The Church of the Wounded Soldier"

At OBI we aim to build His church - not a building made of hands, but the Body of Christ, starting with the wounded.  Healing comes through Jesus Christ, by forgiving and blessing those who mistreat us...a renewal process for individuals and the whole Body.

Discipleship!   Called to minister to "wounded soldiers" in the Body of Christ, we host Bible study/worship times with the aim of bringing healing to believers and training them to likewise go and help others.

Education!   We aim to minister to the whole man: spirit, soul, body.  Children in elementary school, teens needing a skill, adults who want to learn to reach out...the opportunities are endless!

Cooperation with stateside churches!
  1. To increase missions in the home church.
  2. To host short-term work groups in the field.
  3. To enable called, qualified believers to follow Christ's commission to go into all the earth and make disciples of every nation.

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