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About OBI: What we are doing: Get involved:
  Feeding Program

"Feed the Children"

"Give a man a fish and he eats for a day;
teach him to fish and he eats for a lifetime."

Since the Dickens moved to Belize in 1987, Bobby has held this quote.  Through the years he has taught individuals in mechanics and carpentry, all the while maintaining a big vision to involve many in a skills training center.

An estimated 4,000 children are homeless in Guatemala City.  Many more roam the streets, begging in support of their poverty-stricken families.  Yes, we must teach them to "fish," but we cannot close our heart of compassion to their plight.  The Lord says to share your bread with the hungry and to satisfy the afflicted soul (Isaiah 58:7,10), and He will satisfy us.

We are seeking ways to do just that.  Join us in prayer and in reaching out to the needy ones!

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